Sunday, June 26, 2005


Are the blots and spots on foxglove flowers as individual and unique as finger prints? I know it was cruel but I delighted in telling my 13 and 14 year old pupils that the flower got its name because of its ability to cover the pungent smell of the fox. This meant that foxes used to slip them onto their paws when they went out raiding chicken coops so the chickens would not smell them. Hence foxgloves, with the pattern of spots being the foxs' paw-prints. I was always amazed when intelligent, well educated pupils, those who were sophisticated, knowledgeable and globally connected, still loved this story and believed it hook, line and sinker. Kids need stories and they get fewer and fewer these days as they are deprived of childhood by commercialism and sexual exploitation. Lolita is only 8 years old today - how does society deal with that?Posted by Hello


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